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Water's Edge Outfitting provides comprehensive, professionally guided fly fishing adventures for anglers of all levels. From novice to expert, we create an unforgettable experience on some of the world's most renowned trout waters.


Our guides are capable of moving from one river to the next, depending on conditions, allowing for the best possible fishing experience for our clients. We specialize in fishing the historic western rivers cherished by fly fishermen across the globe; the Yellowstone, Stillwater, Bighorn, Big Hole, Missouri, and Madison.


Let us worry about the details; on-shore lunch, beverages, flies, and tippet, so you can focus on enjoying a trip that you will remember forever.


There is no river on Planet Earth that is in the same class as the Big Hole River. There are no dams, over 150 miles of quality trout fishing riffles and runs, with streamside scenery that will capture the heart and soul of all outdoorsman and women. The Big Hole River is very special indeed and on any given day you just might be fortunate enough to capture Brook, Rainbow, Brown and Cutthroat Trout. And if you are feeling the joy this river brings to your well-being you just might net your first fluvial Arctic Grayling. A river so unique that Lewis and Clark first named it the Wisdom River.

GATES OF THE MOUNTAINS on the Missouri River

Experience some the best fishing and scenery in Montana. Follow in the footsteps of the Lewis and Clark Expedition! Catch big Rainbows that average 2-6 pounds or the Brown Trout of a Lifetime! The canyon scenery is a setting unlike anywhere in Montana. The Gates of the Mountains is a must do for an excellent fly fishing experience.


The Yellowstone River is the longest river in Montana. Throughout its entire length from its beginning in Yellowstone National Parkto its confluence with the Missouri River in North Dakota, the river is free of any major dams, although a couple of diversion dams do exist. As such, none of its flows are regulated in any way.

Finally, unlike the Bighorn River, quality trout fishing exists on the Yellowstone River for more than 300 miles, providing lots of water for anglers to choose from.



The Missouri River is one of the longest rivers in the world, and most have heard it’s name. Trout fishermen are mostly concerned with the 35 mile section below Holter Dam near the towns of Wolf Creek, Craig and Cascade.

One of the most popular trout fisheries in Montana, the Missouri River continually produces the best fishing in the state, along with the largest average fish size. Cycles in fish size and quantity do change from year to year, but the fishing remains phenomenal by anyones standards.

While all methods produce on the Missouri River, it is most famous for it’s incredible dry fly fishing, which stretches from March through November. It’s rare to fish a river that has the number of large rising fish you will find on a daily basis on the Mo’.


It is always interesting how rivers get their names. If a list were ever compiled of misnamed rivers, then surely the Stillwater would be near the top of the list. Despite its name, the Stillwater River has huge amounts of whitewater, large drops, tons or rocks and a very swift current. It is anything but still. Indeed, a fisherman or floater will have to look hard to find the calm stretches of this river.

The Stillwater River begins high in the mountains of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Area. The river flows for more than twenty miles through the wilderness area before leaving the mountains behind and spilling out into the rolling prairie and canyons that lie outside the wilderness area. Once it leaves the wilderness area, the Stillwater River flows for another 45 miles through a mix of canyons, prairie and forest until meeting up with the Yellowstone River near the town of Columbus, Montana - which is about 45 miles from Billings, MT.

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